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Oase SwimSkim CWS (SwimSkim 50) - Video and Information

21st Nov 2019

The Oase SwimSkim CWS. Previously known as the SwimSkim 50, The SwimSkim CWS is a powerful skimmer that will remove leaves, pollen, small twigs and other debris from the surface of your pond. It provides a powerful suction of 3500lph and also incorporates a venturi feature which injects healthy fresh oxygen into the pond. Debris is collected into a collection basket for easy removal later.

Cleaning is simple too, just remove the collection basket to get to the foams, remove the foams and flush them out with a hose. The SwimSkim CWS will work a treat in ponds with up to a 50m² surface area (hence the previous name of SwimSkim 50). Peace of mind is Guaranteed also, with a 3 year warranty period from Oase as standard.