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Feeding your Fish - Varieties of Food

21st Nov 2019

As well as containing different ingredients, fish food is available in different forms;

  • Pellets – Pellet foods are available in different sizes. The correct size of pellet should be selected for the size of fish, a fish with a small mouth will only be able to eat a small pellet!Floating and sinking pellets are available for fish who have a preference.
  • Sinking pellets -  are recommended for fish which only eat from the pond floor, such as Sturgeon and Gudgeon. Although they have evolved as bottom feeders, carp varieties will readily eat floating food.
  • Sticks – Sticks are a type of floating food. They absorb water quicker than pellets and can be crushed by hand to feed a variety of fish sizes.
  • Flake – Flake is an ideal food for smaller fish as the flakes can be crushed into very small fragments. Flake will initially float on the pond, but will begin to sink as it becomes saturated.

Other types of food you can feed pond fish are; boiled and skinned peas, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, basil, boiled and diced carrot, bread, and thinly sliced meats.Feeding a variety of foods, especially vegetables, provides a great diet for your pond fish and aids the fish’s digestion, while thinly sliced sandwich meats can ben used to train koi to hand feed. Fish food should also be given along side these foods to supplement all the required vitamins and minerals.There are fish treats which are available, such as dried silkworm pupae, shrimp and mealworm. These foods should be fed in moderation, and should defiantly not constitute the main part of the fish’s diet. They are, however, a good source of protein and will almost defiantly attract your fish to the pond’s surface when feeding.