21st Nov 2019
Pressurised filters have been around for a long while now. We started stocking the Hozelock Cyprio Bioforce Combi Pro 1000 in 1999, and they have since become a firm favourite with water gardeners, as they are a tried and tested filtration method. The original idea came from aquarium canister filtration systems, these canister shaped filters were designed so they could be hidden out of sight, which meant they could be larger in size as they were no longer in the tank. Due to their position they were often below the water level, this meant that they had to pump water upwards. This method now adapted suits the needs of the water gardener perfectly, as it allows a filtration system that is practically invisible. Below is a diagram that gives an idea how you would go about installing a pressurised filtration system on your own pond.
Special Features Of Pressurised Filtration
Pressure Indicator/Pollution indicator:
These are designed to pop up/change colour when the water pressure is increasing inside you pressurised filter system, the pressure is increasing because the water is struggling to pass through your filters foams. They were one of the first things to be put on a pressurised filter and are very handy as they tell you when you need to clean your pressurised filter.
An integrated UVC:
This is a vital part of any filter, a UVC is designed to flocculate (clump together) algae cells (that turn your pond water green) by damaging their out layer. Once the cells are clumped together the foams within your pressurised filter can strain the algae cells out of the water which would previously being too small. On all the pressurised filter units, there is also a way to check that your UV bulb is working correctly, this is normally through a translucent piece of plastic near the lid or a translucent hosetail. This is especially easy to see on a night time due to the bright blue glow that is transmitted. Remember though, never look at a UV bulb directly as they are very dangerous to the human eye. Also make sure that when the UV bulb is switched on that water is running through the system, otherwise it can lead to the UVC unit burning out.If you do happen to notice that your water has started to go green when before the water was crystal clear, this will be because either the UV bulb has come to the end of its operating life (roughly 8000 hours) or the quartz sleeve that protects your bulb and electrics has become covered with sludge and dirt and needs cleaning.
Bio media mechanical and biological:
Within all pressurised filters you will have mechanical filtration foams, which are designed to trap and filter out any debris that your pump picks up in the pond which then sends them to the filter. Also you will have a form of biological filtration, this is where all the bacteria inside your filter live to keep the balance of your pond water correct. Without these types of filtration, your pond would soon become dirty, stagnant and polluted.
The term pressurised means that the unit is fully sealed, with the circular shape design, the water is sent in the unit and back out via hosing, and remains under pressure throughout the process. Due to the units being pressure sealed it is very important to always select the correct pump suggested by the manufacturer, as a too powerful pump would cause the unit to leak and have excessive backwashing problems. This means that the filter can be buried away from the side of the pond, and be pumped up to a head height of 2 metres. This makes a huge difference to people who either want to hide their filter so it can't be seen near the pond, or people who simply have no room to put the filter near their pond.
Easy cleaning:
Pressurised filter systems do have to be cleaned more than box filters, this is due to them using a bigger pump (in comparison to what a box filter would use to filter the same size pond) to maintain the pressure. This therefore sends more dirt to the filter, combine this with a smaller media surface area, and this means a dirtier filter. This used to be a negative, but is not a problem any more due to the introduction of easy to use backflush systems. These divert the water flow the wrong way through the system dislodging all the dirt and sludge that has become settled over time, this can then be dispersed via a hose onto your flower beds or compost heap, as it makes a perfect fertilizer.
Fool proof operation and set up:
All of the pressurised filter units that we sell come with easy to set up pictures on their casing, these are to help you set up the filter. They will be clearly indicated in both the instructions and also on the unit so you can set the hoses up properly. Most of our pressurised filter units have three hoses to attach, these will be the inlet, outlet and the backflush sludge hose (this is blanked off while the unit is in operation). The hosetails all being clearly marked means that you will have a pressurised filter unit set up in no time at all, leaving you time to relax and enjoy your crystal clear pond.