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PondKraft Pressurised Filters and Kits


A great value pond filter with built in UVC. Available on its own or as a kit that includes a Pondkraft Eco Filter Pump

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Product Information

These great value filters from PondKraft have been redesigned and have all the features that you need. Each model comes with a built in UVC to keep your water crystal clear. The pollution indicator tells you when cleaning is needed, and the Easy Cleaning feature makes cleaning a breeze. Just turn the handle to the 'clean' position and pump the handle on the top of the filter to compress the foams. This squeezes all of the dirt and debris out of the foams and backflushes it through the filter. You can direct the dirty water down your drain or even better, to your flowerbeds. Then just turn the handle back to the 'run' position and you're done. Add a pump to save money - just select from the product list. 

  • 2 year guarantee

Why not buy a kit and save money? When you choose a Kit with Pump from the options you'll get a powerful and reliable PondKraft Eco Filter Pump.

Pondkraft Goldfish Pond Size Ltr Max Flow lph UV Wattage
4000 3000 3300 9 4000 PondKraft Eco 5000
8000 5500 5000 11 8000 PondKraft Eco 6500
12000 8000 9000 18 12000 PondKraft Eco 10000
30000 15000 15000 24 15000 PondKraft Eco 15000

We sell a range of spares for these filters and the older versions, such as the Grey Rocker Cover, Universal Quartz Sleeves, Large O-Rings, and for the 2018 30000 model we have the replacementReplacement UVC Bulbs and Clear Dome Lid.

If you require any spare parts for the NEW Pondkraft Pressurised Filters please call our Sales Team on 01904 698800

FREE Next Day Delivery to qualifying postcodes when you Spend £50 or more*

*We’re sorry but the FREE delivery offer does not apply to Northern Ireland, Islands or Scottish Highlands.
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for a list of exempted postcodes.


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